

Application Status of Titanium Dioxide in Various Industries

1. Status of the paint industry
1. Large quantity and small scale
Due to the characteristics of less investment and quick results in paint production, with the development of the national economy, township and village enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises have quickly entered the paint industry. According to the latest statistics, more than 8,000 coating enterprises in the country are mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Bohai Rim regions. Among them, "foreign brands" and domestic large-scale manufacturers are positioned in the market for mid-to-high-end products, leading the market and leading the paint consumption trend. Many other domestic small and medium-sized coating enterprises mainly produce middle and low-grade coating products and are in the market following position.
2. The industry is highly competitive
3. There is a certain gap between domestic brands and foreign brands
4. Insufficient high-quality products and excess of low-quality products
5. The demand for coatings does not decrease

2, The plastics industry
The outbreak of the financial crisis is almost fatal to the Chinese plastics industry. The export of plastic toys, artificial leather, packaging, silk ropes and other plastic products has been shrinking rapidly, leading to the closure of a large number of plastic production enterprises. The 2009 Plastics Industry Report of the China Plastics Industry Association shows that a quarter of plastics companies lose money. The actual situation is probably much worse than the statistics. For example, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) manufacturers are losing money in the entire industry. There are various indications that China's plastics industry is currently facing a big test. If it fails, the consequences will be disastrous. Among them, the joint efforts of the government and enterprises and a reasonable "branding" are crucial.
In June 2010, the results of the free trade zone negotiation between China and the Gulf Cooperation Council in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, made many plastics companies relieved. The five new ethylene production projects to be built have not actually been put into production.
It is understood that there will be five new ethylene cracking projects in the Middle East in 2009, mainly for ethylene produced by the ethane process. After the five major projects are put into operation, the annual production capacity of ethylene in the Middle East will increase from 16.9 million tons in 2008 to 28.1 million tons in 2012. In 2009, the ethylene production capacity in the Middle East will increase by 7.1 million tons, of which the new production capacity in Saudi Arabia will exceed 4 million tons/year, the new production capacity in Iran will exceed 1 million tons/year, the new production capacity in Kuwait will be 850,000 tons/year, and the new production capacity in Qatar will be increased. 975,000 tons/year. These 5 ethylene cracking projects are only preliminary intentions. After the intentions were reached, due to the impact of the crisis, they have not actually been put into production, and there is no specific date for when they will be put into production. Therefore, China's imported ethylene ****** did not plummet. However, low-cost plastic products in the Middle East are still the sword of Damocles hanging over Chinese companies.

3. Paper industry
my country's paper industry is in a period of rapid growth. Statistics over the years show that the total output of paper and cardboard in my country has been significantly lower than the total consumption, and the annual per capita paper consumption is far lower than the level of developed countries in the world. At the current stage when the production capacity of the processing and manufacturing industry is generally excessive, the papermaking industry is one of the few industries with increasing demand and in short supply, and it is a typical demand-pulling industry.
From 1997 to 2010, it can be seen from the comparison of the growth rate of domestic paper and paperboard annual consumption and production with the GDP growth rate that the growth rate of paper and paperboard consumption and production fluctuated greatly, and the two maintained a very high level. similar growth trends. Compared with the growth rate of my country's GDP, the growth rate of annual consumption and production of paper and cardboard has been at a relatively high level since 2002. It can be said that my country's paper industry is in a period of rapid growth.

Post time: Jul-28-2023